
Spread the word:#RakEM - #encrypted #secure messaging, voice, video, pic sharing available on #android #ios #apps - like #Whatsapp only private Device-To-Device Encrypted. More details about RakEM technology, please read here.


How is RakEM more secure and private than WhatsApp?
by Greg Parker CEO, April 2016

iPhone ‘hack’ the FBI did recently, and how RakEM data would have been safe
by Greg Parker CEO, April 2016

The Encryption Debate
by Greg Parker CEO, March 2016

9 Myths and Truths About Encryption
by Greg Parker CEO, June 2015


Most consumers don’t take steps to protect their mobile privacy
by Raketu, May 2015


Why we started Raketu and created RakEM App
by Greg Parker CEO, March 2015


Download Your RakEM now!

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